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There are somethings in this world that bots are better at then humans. Let Friday help out with the moderation of your Discord server.


Sets the max number of message that can have the same content (ignoring who sent the message) until passing the given threshold and muting anyone spamming the same content further.

Does not have a slash command to match

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!contentspam <message_rate> <seconds>
!contentspam disable 
!contentspam punishment <punishments>
!contentspam 3 5
!contentspam 15 17


Does not have a slash command to match

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Disable the max amount of messages per x seconds with the same content for this server.

!contentspam disable 


Does not have a slash command to match

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Set the punishment for the max amount of message every x seconds. Combining kick,ban and/or mute will only apply one of them.

!contentspam punishment|punishments <punishments>
!contentspam punishment delete
!contentspam punishments kick
!contentspam punishment ban
!contentspam punishments mute


Automaticaly remove Discord invites (originating from external servers) from text channels. Not giving an argument will display the current setting.

Does not have a slash command to match

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!invitespam|removeinvites [enable]
!removeinvites 1
!invitespam 0
!removeinvites true
!invitespam false


Set the max amount of mentions one user can send per message before muting the author

Does not have a slash command to match

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!mentionspam|maxmentions|maxpings <mention_count> <seconds>
!mentionspam|maxmentions|maxpings disable 
!mentionspam|maxmentions|maxpings punishment <punishments>
!mentionspam 3
!maxmentions 5
!maxpings 10


Does not have a slash command to match

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Disable the max amount of mentions per message for this server.

!mentionspam disable 


Does not have a slash command to match

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Set the punishment for the max amount of mentions one user can send per message. Combining kick,ban and/or mute will only apply one of them.

!mentionspam punishment|punishments <punishments>
!mentionspam punishment delete
!maxmentions punishments kick
!maxpings punishment ban
!mentionspam punishments mute


Sets a max message count for users per x seconds

Does not have a slash command to match

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!messagespam|maxmessages|ratelimit <message_rate> <seconds>
!messagespam|maxmessages|ratelimit disable 
!messagespam|maxmessages|ratelimit punishment <punishments>
!messagespam 3 5
!maxmessages 10 12


Does not have a slash command to match

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Disable the max amount of messages per x seconds by the same member for this server.

!messagespam disable 


Does not have a slash command to match

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Set the punishment for the max amount of message every x seconds. Combining kick,ban and/or mute will only apply one of them.

!messagespam punishment|punishments <punishments>
!messagespam punishment delete
!maxmessages punishments kick
!ratelimit punishment ban
!messagespam punishments mute


Unwhitelist channels and/or roles from being automoded.

Does not have a slash command to match

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!unwhitelist|unwl <channel_or_roles>...
!unwhitelist #memes
!unwl @admin #admin 707457407512739951


Whitelist channels and/or roles from being automoded.

Does not have a slash command to match

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!whitelist|wl <channel_or_roles>...
!whitelist #memes
!wl #admin @admin 707457407512739951

Last update: 2023-04-14