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Chat with Friday, say something on Friday's behalf, and more with the chat commands.


Chat with Friday, powered by ChatGPT and get a response.

Does not have a slash command to match

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!chat <message>
!chat info 
!chat reset 


Does not have a slash command to match

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Displays information about the current conversation.

!chat info 


Does not have a slash command to match

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Resets Friday's chat history. Helps if Friday is repeating messages

!chat reset 


Set the current channel so that I will always try to respond with something

Does not have a slash command to match

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!chatchannel <channel>
!chatchannel clear 
!chatchannel list 
!chatchannel persona <channel>
!chatchannel remove <channel>
!chatchannel webhook <channel> <enable>
!chatchannel #channel


Does not have a slash command to match

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Clear the current chat channel

!chatchannel clear 


Does not have a slash command to match

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Lists the channels that Friday will always try to respond with something

!chatchannel list 


Does not have a slash command to match

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Change Friday's persona for a chat channel

!chatchannel persona <channel>


Does not have a slash command to match

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Removes a chat channel

!chatchannel remove <channel>


Does not have a slash command to match

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Toggles webhook chatting with Friday in the current chat channel

!chatchannel webhook <channel> <enable>
!chatchannel webhook #chatbot 1
!chatchannel webhook #chatchannel false
!chatchannel webhook #chatchannel true
!chatchannel webhook #chatbot 0


Resets Friday's chat history. Helps if Friday is repeating messages

Does not have a slash command to match

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Make Friday say what ever you want

Does not have a slash command to match

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!say|repeat <content>


Does not have a slash command to match

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!silentsay|saysilent <content>

Last update: 2023-04-14