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Manage your server with these commands


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!ban [duration] <members>... [reason]
!ban 20m @username @someone @someoneelse Spam
!ban @thisguy The most spam i have ever seen
!ban 12345678910 10987654321 @someone
!ban @someone They were annoying me
!ban 40d 123456789 2 Sus


Delete unwanted message that I send

Does not have a slash command to match

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!begone [message]
!begone 707520808448294983


Does not have a slash command to match

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!kick <members>... [reason]
!kick @username @someone @someoneelse
!kick @thisguy
!kick 12345678910 10987654321 @someone
!kick @someone I just really didn't like them
!kick @thisguy 12345678910 They were spamming general


Change the language that I will speak. This currently only applies to the chatbot messages not the commands.

Does not have a slash command to match

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!language|lang [language]
!lang en
!language es
!lang english
!language spanish


Gets the last member to leave a voice channel.

Does not have a slash command to match

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!last [voice_channel]


Move everyone from one voice channel to another

Does not have a slash command to match

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!massmove|move <to_channel> [from_channel]
!massmove general
!move vc-2 general
!massmove 'long voice channel' general


Mute a member from text channels

Does not have a slash command to match

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!mute [duration] <members>... [reason]
!mute role [role]
!mute 20m @Motostar @steve they were annoying me
!mute @steve 9876543210
!mute 30d @Motostar spamming general
!mute 0123456789


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Set the role to be applied to members that get muted

!mute role [role]
!mute role create [name='Muted']
!mute role update 


Moves everyone with a specific role to a voicechannel. Objects that can be exluded are voicechannels,roles,and members

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!rolecall|rc <role> [voicechannel] <exclusions>...
!rolecall @mods vc-1
!rc 123456798910 vc-2 vc-1 10987654321
!rolecall @admins general @username @username


Temporarily mutes yourself for the specified duration, min 5 minutes, max 24 hours

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!selfmute <duration>
!selfmute 20m
!selfmute 1h20m
!selfmute 5h


Temporarily timeout yourself for the specified duration, min 5 minutes, max 24 hours

Does not have a slash command to match

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!selftimeout <duration>
!selftimeout 20m
!selftimeout 1h20m
!selftimeout 5h


Timeout a member from chating, replying, reacting, and joining voice channels.

Does not have a slash command to match

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!timeout <duration> <members>... [reason]
!timeout 20m @Motostar @steve they were annoying me
!timeout 1week @steve 9876543210
!timeout 5d @Motostar spamming general
!timeout 0123456789


Does not have a slash command to match

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!unban <member> <reason>


Unmute a member from text channels

Does not have a slash command to match

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!unmute <members>... <reason>
!unmute @Motostar @steve they said sorry
!unmute @steve 9876543210
!unmute @Motostar
!unmute 0123456789


Remove the timeout of a member

Does not have a slash command to match

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!untimeout|removetimeout <members>... <reason>
!untimeout @Motostar @steve they said sorry
!removetimeout @steve 9876543210
!untimeout @Motostar
!removetimeout 0123456789

Last update: 2023-04-14