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A starboard to upvote posts obviously.

There are two ways to make use of this feature, the first is via reactions, react to a message with ⭐ and the bot will automatically add (or remove) it to the starboard.

The second way is via Developer Mode. Enable it under Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode and then you get access to Copy ID and using the star/unstar commands.


Stars a message via message ID.

To star a message you should right click on the on a message and then click "Copy ID". You must have Developer Mode enabled to get that functionality.

It is recommended that you react to a message with ⭐ instead.

You can only star a message once.

Does not have a slash command to match

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!star <message>
!star clean <stars>
!star limit <stars>
!star lock 
!star migrate 
!star random 
!star show <message>
!star stats [member]
!star unlock 
!star 707520808448294983


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Cleans the starboard

This removes messages in the starboard that only have less than or equal to the number of specified stars. This defaults to 1.

Note that this only checks the last 100 messages in the starboard.

This command requires the Manage Server permission.

!star clean <stars>
!star clean 1
!star clean 3


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Sets the minimum number of stars required to show up.

When this limit is set, messages must have this number or more to show up in the starboard channel.

You cannot have a negative number and the maximum star limit you can set is 100.

Note that messages that previously did not meet the limit but now do will still not show up in the starboard until starred again.

You must have Manage Server permissions to use this.

!star limit|threshold <stars>
!star limit 3
!star threshold 5


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Locks the starboard from being processed.

This is a moderation tool that allows you to temporarily disable the starboard to aid in dealing with star spam.

When the starboard is locked, no new entries are added to the starboard as the bot will no longer listen to reactions or star/unstar commands.

To unlock the starboard, use the unlock subcommand.

To use this command you need Manage Server permission.

!star lock 


Does not have a slash command to match

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Migrates the starboard to the newest version.

While doing this, the starboard is locked.

Note: This is an incredibly expensive operation.

It will take a very long time.

You must have Manage Server permissions to use this.

!star migrate 


Does not have a slash command to match

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Shows a random starred message.

!star random 


Does not have a slash command to match

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Shows a starred message via its ID.

To get the ID of a message you should right click on the message and then click "Copy ID". You must have Developer Mode enabled to get that functionality.

You can only use this command once per 10 seconds.

!star show <message>
!star show 707520808448294983
!star show


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Shows statistics on the starboard usage of the server or a member.

!star stats [member]
!star stats
!star stats 215227961048170496
!star stats @Motostar


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Unlocks the starboard for re-processing.

To use this command you need Manage Server permission.

!star unlock 


Sets up the starboard for this server.

This creates a new channel with the specified name and makes it into the server's "starboard". If no name is passed in then it defaults to "starboard".

Choose wisely, this channel cannot be changed.

Does not have a slash command to match

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!starboard [name='starboard']
!starboard info 
!starboard starboard


Does not have a slash command to match

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Shows meta information about the starboard.

!starboard info 


Unstars a message via message ID.

To unstar a message you should right click on the on a message and then click "Copy ID". You must have Developer Mode enabled to get that functionality.

Does not have a slash command to match

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!unstar <message>
!unstar 707520808448294983

Last update: 2023-04-14